domingo, janeiro 15, 2006

Last Battle of the Elves

If anyone will dare play in English, I will invite you to Last Battle of the Elves. It's another role-play I make part in the net. It has great potencial, mainly because I'm managing to make it to move on. (In the days I was manager and one of the main story-tellers of the list, it was doing quite nicely... The play was, I wasn't, and this was the reason why I left the management and the plot-making. Still, there is potencial of fun with that list, and now I know (learned, by my mistakes) how to make it to move on, and I intend to do so, as soon as I put some rythm in Clodepathos Judaeca, which is of my own making.
(Lovely Ianthe: I will write you in private, to explain you better what it is about, according to what you asked, and also to answer your other questions, and no: I did not get offended by anything you asked, quite on the contrary. I like well when people ask me "funny" stuff. Rare is the subject that I consider "funny" or awkward to talk. Not that I know everything, only that I like to talk about many things. (I was talking about F. Nietzsche with a friend, recently, and I never read Friedrich's writings. Knowing so, he could teach me something. I like to learn what I don't know, and I believe that there's much more stuff I DON'T know, in this not-so-small-as-I-scientist-am-used-to-see universe, than stuff that I actually do know. :^) In other words: please, ask more, ask always. When I'm tired I do say... One of my friends, a pyrilampid, had the oportunity to learn this, once... I may tell more, when I write you.)
Right, Turning back to Last Battle of the Elves, and the other lists cited above. J. R. R. TOLKIEN. I like well this writer's work. I read a bit of them, before the cinema boom-stuff... (Which I... am absolutely nauseous about!) (! ! !) (& no, I did not say that I don't like the movies. I think I hate the selling of art. In the case of cinema, it's something to which I have not yet found solutions... They are accepted, and this is a discussion for the other blog I have, also... the _Modurnidas_.
By the time I entered in Last Battle, I gave the idea of making another list, for plot discussions. This is what Ruins of Eregion is supposed to be, too, besides a little "general things" of prof. John Ronald T.'s works. When I was leaving the role-play management, The other managers and plot-makers, having thought this to be quite a good idea, launched Woods of Lorien list, more according to their purpose of managing the list. Both these lists are available to discussing plot of the rp, though mine is a more... general list. It's for rp plot discussion, but also for Tolkien literature general discussions.
TOLKIEN DISCUSSIONS As I explain in the front-page of Ruins of Eregion, the list came out inspired both by Tolkien Discussions mailing-list and Last Battle of the Elves role-play. I will now speak a bit of Tolkien Discussions. It's a good place for people who like to talk civilizedly about Tolkien literature and Jackson's movies of the series. I'm in, met good people there, who actually became friends... odd! :^) & nice! And every now and then, new stuff come up in the list, about the literature and/or/and-or_together the movies, and it's very instructive even for people who did not have The Lord of the Rings as his childhood's "bible". And it's interesting to make part of a list with more than 500 people, too. And a trustworthy mailing-list.
: :
_this is it, for role-plays_


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